Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a parking space, considering the location of race center. We strongly recommend you using local public transportation. The nearest tram stops are: Újezd (trams No. 12, 15, 20) and Národní divadlo (trams No. 17, 18, 22). The nearest metro station is Národní třída.
Free parking nearby the venue (no guarantee): Plaská, Mělnická, Petřínská, Zborovská, Vodní, Malátova, Pavla Švandy ze Semčic, Arbesovo náměstí, Štefánikova, Kořenského, Matoušova, náměstí Kinských, Zubatého, Drtinova, Holečkova. You can also park in nearby shopping mall Nový Smíchov (free parking only for the first 5 hours).
Traffic information call line is available on 800 100 991 from 8:00 till 20:00. You can also find the information in the app Waze.